hand holding a yellow tomato in a field of yellow flowers
Food,  Living

Feeding the Soul | The Link Between Cooking and Mindfulness

As a child I was fascinated by the beautiful hands of the women in my family as they kneaded dough, arranged chicken in a vegetable-laden stock pot, and offered plates of their latest delicious experiment. Once I began cooking, I realized the immense pleasure to be found in sinking into each moment in the kitchen. Far from focusing on the final dishes, I have always enjoyed the transformation of ingredients each step of the way. Often I’ll light a few tapers while I cook, a pre-event to the meal I’m about to serve.

Now being a teacher of meditation and cooking, the link between these two areas is a realm I explore daily both personally and professionally. Meditation expands our ability to live in the present and to appreciate its rich nuances. After all, the present is truly all we have. Once we speak a word, take a step, finish a bite, we are in a new present. Consistent meditation helps us to live vibrantly in the present yielding the benefits of stress reduction, resilience, self-compassion, enhanced sleep, and so much more.

If we can extend mindfulness beyond the act of meditation to the moment of cooking, we can experience its nuances as well – the gratitude we feel for having access to ingredients, the beauty of each item on the counter, the hunger that calls us to the kitchen. The more often we live in the present, the easier it is to return when our mind wanders to yesterday’s regret or the worries of tomorrow.

Attention to the immediacy of what is happening in the kitchen and in yourself is a way to practice mindfulness and reap its rewards. How many times have we burned ourselves or dropped a dish because we weren’t paying attention? A distracted mind can lead to accidents, or at the very least, a poor meal. Beyond practicality, however, mindfulness helps us to enjoy the act. We learn to appreciate the scent of garlic caramelizing to roasted perfection, the fine roots along a carrot reminding us of its origins, the irregularity of salt flakes, and on.

Distraction can rob us of the enjoyment of cooking and may even be a factor in why many of us don’t enjoy the process. The answer may be to dig in deeper rather than to abandon it altogether. Quickly delivered meals or pre-made options may align with our time demands but as in many aspects of life, quick or convenient does not equal satisfying, and we can find a balance between these two approaches to putting a meal on the table.

If you have taken one of my cooking classes, you may recall how genuinely happy it makes me to prepare ingredients and share all sorts of tips along the way. If you have taken one of my guided meditation classes, you may remember my gratitude for having spent meaningful time together.  These moments of joyfulness emerge from attention to the present.

When I guide students through meditation or cooking practices, we come up with plans that work for their lives and support their well-being. Our ability to find beauty in the present moment and most ordinary of tasks is certainly one aspect of creating a happy life.

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