• Sunshine Becomes You by Vanessa Young

    Sunshine Becomes You

    Designed to make you smile, the heartfelt words and original images I’ll be sharing over the next few weeks are intended to deliver moments of lightness. They feature plants to which I’ve tended and messages we all need to hear along the journey. Visit the page every few days to enjoy the new artwork I’ve added – and share the gallery with others to amplify the joy.

  • Painting of tiny peach

    Tiny Fruit

    If you’ve been reading and cooking along with me, you may have noticed the painting that squiggles its way between Thirsty and Radish at the top the page. The inspiration for the Thirsty Radish name, it encapsulates a creative approach to life in and out of the kitchen. While that painting is larger than it appears, often I paint tiny fruit. These little rough-edged creations make their way to notes that I write, having no other purpose than brightening the day for the recipient. Once in a while, I plan to share a tiny fruit to brighten your day and let you know how much I cherish our community of…