• Orechiette with Pesto and Sausage

    Orechiette with Pesto and Crumbled Sausage

    “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” – Henry James In the heat of a summer afternoon, I was struck by the almost embarrassing amount of basil accumulating in my kitchen garden. As one of the more prolific herbs, basil growing tends to go like this: Prune it carefully, and it will thrive. Allow it to form a basil jungle, and it still seems to thrive. If you grow basil, there will be more than enough for batches of this delicious pesto. Alternately, you can find quality sweet basil at the market. Pick the most aromatic bunch since pesto…

  • Shimomura Kanzan Fox Painting
    Food,  Living

    Foxes, Burning Love & Venus

    Image: Shimomura Kanzan / Public Domain / Wikimedia If a bowl of kitsune udon is your ideal comfort food, you may have the palate of a fox. According to Japanese legend, foxes (kitsune) adore fried tofu, which is why your dish of udon topped with the thin golden slices bears their name. While eating my way through the weekend, I learned this tidbit, which is the kind of fact that makes me enjoy what I’m eating even more. Inside the red gates of an Inari shrine, fried tofu may sit beside fox statues as offerings to messengers of the Shinto deity. Not all foxes are benevolent, but even those that…